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SpeedWet Clean is a product designed to clean and degas waste of agrochemicals in the sprayer. Along with preventing redeposition on walls and obstructions in pipes, spikes, and other areas, it also forms a protective layer.

Product overview

The frequent use of spraying equipment with chemical products of different formulations causes contamination of the sprayed mixture with deposition and phytosanitary residues from previous applications.

This means that in order to ensure that the machinery operates as intended, that the public and operator are safe, and that the environment and the treated crops are respected and do not suffer harm from phytotoxicity, it is necessary to remove these residues.

If proper equipment cleaning is not done after every use, the hardness and alkalinity of the water used to prepare the application mixture gradually wears down the material and mechanical portions of the sprayer.

The accumulation of sediment and the development of incrustations on the walls of the spraying equipment, shortens its useful life. For this reason, thorough cleaning using a solution that facilitates the removal of these sediments guarantees the equipment will remain more functional for longer.

This is where SpeedWet Clean acts as a SCALE REMOVER and CLEANING AGENT, ensuring excellent cleaning and maintenance of the equipment.

On the other hand, the application of different phytosanitary products, mainly herbicides (selective, hormonal, etc.), requires adequate cleaning of the spraying equipment before being used again, given that the impact of inadequate cleaning can be quite problematic and expensive.

Features and properties

  • It is a powerful liquid renewing agent
  • It has detergent, penetrating, emulsifying and dispersing properties for cleaning tanks.
  • Its formulation provides scale removing and degassing properties that remove and neutralize the sediments of chemical products deposited on walls, pipes and spikes.
  • Additionally, it has a complex of silicones that lubricate and protect the surfaces that have been treated. These silicones also provide foam control, which makes measuring easier and reduces spill-related losses while facilitating rinsing.


12 Liter Box (12 bottles of 1 liter each). ARGENTINE INDUSTRY

Instructions for use

Add water to the spray equipment tank until it reaches half its volume.

Add SpeedWet Clean according to the recommended dosage (see end).

Complete the water volume of the spray equipment tank.

Start the agitation or return system for 10 minutes.
Unload the tank in an appropriate location.
Rinse with clean water.

The dosage of SpeedWet Clean will vary depending on the purpose to be achieved.

Cleaning agent.
Scale remover
degassing agent.

200 cc/200 liters. water
300 cc/200 liters. water
500 cc/200 liters. water