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SpeedWet Xion Silicongel is a multi-action adjuvant with higher concentration and an precise active ingredient balance designed for new application technologies.

Product overview

SpeedWet Xion Silicongel is the result of a long research and development process aimed at carefully identifying the properties necessary to ensure the bioavailability of insecticides and fungicides, in different environmental and application conditions, even the most extreme ones.

SpeedWet Xion Silicongel is a multi-action adjuvant with higher concentration and an precise active ingredient balance designed for new application technologies.

The surfactants present in the formulation work along with the fatty amides, providing key properties for the application of fungicides and insecticides. The properties of this product work together to enable regular spraying, better penetration into the canopy, and protection against high temperatures and low relative humidity conditions.

Droplet size, uniformity and anti-evaporation
The choice of the appropriate droplet size results from taking into account the difficulty of the treatment and the prevailing environmental conditions.

Smaller droplet sizes are needed for more demanding treatments in order for them to reach the leaf mass, yet as we do so, the broth becomes more vulnerable to losses via drift and evaporation.

For this reason, SpeedAgro has dedicated a great deal of effort creating a formulation that precisely balances fatty amides and surfactants, allowing the spray to split evenly and send a safe droplet in the direction of its goal.

After atomization and transportation, the droplet finally impacts the target, which, in the case of insecticides and fungicides, is the crop leaf.
The spray runs off its surface and falls to the ground since it is currently facing several barriers that reject water.

This condition is made worse by the presence of dew, hairiness, or high wax deposition brought on by water stress.

SpeedAgro has researched and tested different combinations of surfactants and adherents in order to determine the most effective mixture when it comes to moisturizing and generating adhesion of the broth on the leaf surface.

Inhibition of foam formation
A foam-forming superposition of bubbles may occur during the active ingredient’s introduction into the tank and the agitation that follows.

This generates contamination and losses due to spills, decreased work autonomy and pulsating flow in the spraying, among other undesirable consequences.

There are different foam control agents, including silicone foam control Agents, which disperse quickly through the liquid film that forms the walls of the bubble. The silicone’s 21 mN/m surface tension is significantly lower than that of most fluids, which results in a decreased surface tension for the film. When the bubbles burst, the foam vanishes.

The silicones that responded most effectively in preventing foam formation were chosen following a strict selection procedure. Following its subsequent addition to the mix, we were able to achieve a product that performed noticeably better.


Always add the SpeedWet Xion Silicongel at the beginning of the tank loading process so that the acidifying agents, sequestrants and foam inhibitors work.

Maintain the agitation system running for greater homogenization.

Make sure the phytosanitary products are loaded in the proper order.

Instructions for use

Preparation: add SpeedWet Xion Silicongel at the beginning of the tank loading (1/4 capacity), complete the tank loading and incorporate the phytosanitary products.

In insecticide and fungicide applications.
For citrus applications.

25-50 cc/ha.
25-50 cc/1000 lt.